Blogger Templates

Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Great Big Thank You!!

Sending out hugs and love to all those who listened to Pocketfulofkinders and came to visit my blog. I am feeling the blogger love and shocked at the response. It really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. I am open for ideas and information to make my blog look like a blog that’s been in business for years. Thanks again for all the love. I think I followed all those that followed me, but if I didn’t, just remind me. Charge it to my head, not my heart. Have a fabulous Week!


  1. I'm new to blogging, too! I've been teaching a very long time, but started teaching first grade again this year after 20 years! There wasn't blogging when I started, but doesn't it make teaching more fun? I'm looking forward to following you...Come check me out,too!

  2. If you need any help, not like I am a pro, you can just ask

    Ladybug teaching files has come awesome tutorials that I think can be very useful to you

    Ms. Patterson

    Pocket Full of Kinders

  3. Hi there,
    You should feel the bloggy love, you have a cute blog. I just found you and am your newest follower. :o)
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

  4. Your blog is wonderful! I am so glad I found it! I have been stalking you and waiting for your next post! :D

    I would love for you to come visit me! =)

    Heather's Heart
