Blogger Templates

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Never Defeated!!!

So much has happened within these past few weeks. My students have been working on a lot of centers I have found here on YOUR blogs. Thanks for all those teachers who share. Know that your posting is not in vain, even if I don't comment, I'm using your ideas, and it's working....I hope, I think...we soon shall see.

I am still learning when it comes to creating freebies and such, and I have two more to share. the first one is my 2nd math test. I am becoming a pro at creating modified math test for my students. For you, it may not be enough to consider a test, so you may use it as a worksheet. My little ones have very limited oral language skills, the curriculum test is completely verbal and they do not do well. My test they still struggle, but the frustration level is way lower cause the test is shorter and there are problems they can do and feel a sense of achievement. Click on the link below to enjoy and please let me know if it is useful.

I also created another language test. Hope someone finds these useful...I did!

Finally...I found a really neat center on one of the blogs here and I finally figured out how to make them myself. Hope she doesn't mind me sharing the pics I created for the "hidden sight word finds". Shout out and thank you to Ms. Patterson at It took two weeks, then....ding ding ding...I figured it out. I have been making a few and plan to make more. Let me know what you think.

May be hard to see...but the sight words are in there. The kids had a blast finding them and the boys loved the cars and football players. Click on the link below to print off all four sheets. ENJOY!!!!!!!


  1. I don't mind at all!
    This is not my orginal idea I saw it on someone else's blog but they were too advanced for my kiddos so I made my own!

    My kiddos love these too and I need to make some more, maybe over spring break. I am glad that you could use them

    Shuna P
    Pocket Full of Kinders

  2. I wrote a post about you here

    I hope this will help bring more awareness to your blog ang get you some more followers!

  3. Thank You soooo much, thats so nice of you to do. Yes, starting a blog is very intimidating. I appreciate you taking the time to help me out. Im sure one day I'll be on your level!

  4. Pocket Full of Kinders sent me to you! Way to go and keep it up. I'm a new blogger too (Feb. 16th) so I COMPLETELY understand where you're coming from.
    I'm your newest follower!
    Come check me out and follow me too if you get a chance.

  5. Pocket Full of Kinders sent me to you! I agree with Marsha, I completely understand how you feel. I started blogging in January. I am your newest follower.

    Head on over to my blog.


  6. Just found you through Pocket Full of Kinders! I'm your newest follower! Welcome to blogging! Come visit soon!

    Peace, Love, and First Grade
