Blogger Templates

Saturday, May 5, 2012

So close....but yet so far!!!

Summer is on its way!!!!!!!!

With so much going on with end of year testing and planning, I have totally neglected my blog. I have been keeping up with other bloggers, checkin out your amazing ideas. Anyway, thought I'd give you a quick update on the lastest happenings in my Butterfly Garden.

We took a field trip to the zoo this of the hottest days Ohio had seen so far. Ugh...scorcher, but still had an awesome time. Its funny to see your toughest student squirming while trying to feed a baby giraffe. LOL...priceless.

School is over May17 and I can not wait. Our 1st and 2nd grade students "graduate" next Wednesday. Lots of planning and preparing has been taking place. The excitement is very evident in the classroom. Nothing getting accomplished. 

Finally a summer freebie. Been working on these for some time, thought they were cute. Summer Sight Word Find/ ISpy.  Hope you enjoy!

Click on link below to scoop up the freebie! Recording Sheets included.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

So, last week I was shocked to see I had been award the Lovely Blog Award!!!! What an honor, but the sad thing is, I don't know how to place buttons and link blogs to say thank you the the person who awarded me. I am about to give it a try and follow the blog award procedure. Please bear with me and don't be offended if I do it wrong...charge it to my head not my heart.

A very very special thank you to Teaching, Learning, & Loving for awarding me my first blog award. It really means a lot to a new blogger. I am so happy to know others are out there reading what I share. Again....THANK YOU!!!!!

The best part...I get to pass the award to others!!! Its very hard to start a blog and I hope I am an encouragement to those I choose to pass this award on to. Keep up the great work!

The rules for this award are to:

  1. Link back to the blogger who gave you the award.
  2. Pass the award on to 15(I only did 9..and that took 3hours)  other lovely bloggers.
  3. Follow the person who sent it to you
Jenny @ Owl Things First
Heather @ Mrs. Shelton's Kindergarten
Maria @ Kinder-Craze
Amy, Gretchen, Shelly @ 3Teacher Chicks
Perrine @ Modern Kindergarten
Laura @ Love to teach 123
Jennifer @ Tales from Kinder
Mandi @ Moore fun in Kindergarten
Sarah @ A KinderGarden in Bloom

Congrats Bloggers...And thanks to all those who have been so supportive to this new blogging adventure. God bless!!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Beach, BULLY, much to share!!!

So much I wanna blog about tonight, but I’m gonna try to keep it short. So today was unseasonably warm….apparently that’s the trend everywhere….anyway, we took the kids out to our boring paved playground with balls, ropes, and chalked and decided to make the most out of this beautiful day. I found a nice corner of the blacktop, slid off my shoes and stretched my legs out. Placed my arms behind me and leaned my head back to enjoy the sun for just one moment….when suddenly two of my students came up and asked what I was doing. My response, “pretending I’m at the beach and my toes are getting wet by the wave.” Instantly, they slid off their shoes and joined me on the beach. Before long I had good 10-15 students with me at “the beach”. We discussed what we were doing….. (Sipping on our juice, reading a good book, listening to our favorite song on the radio). They completely allowed their imaginations to let go. It was great. This whole thing last a good 20 minutes when suddenly someone tried to burst our bubbles. Out of nowhere, a large group of girls (1st and 2nd graders) approached our beach spot. With a confused and unpleasant look on their face they asked, “Why do yall have your shoes off, that’s nasty, don’t nobody wanna see yall’s feet (giggle, giggle, giggle).” My response…”Oh we are enjoying the beach today, letting the water hit our feet so we had to take off our shoes.” They gave me a blank stare as if to say, Mrs. Alexis you are weird, followed by the statement, “Uhhhh there is no beach, there is no sand, yall are weird.” One of the other teachers had decided to join us on “the beach” and responded, “Girls use your imagination”, at which one replied, “I don’t have an imagination (rolling her eyes). THAT’S WHEN MY HEART BROKE. The innocence of our children is slowly fading away right before our eyes. I remember being this age and it being nothing for me to imagine flying like a bird, or being rich and famous or having magic powers. The tooth fairy, leprechauns and Santa are a thing of the past. Why?????????? Can anyone explain this to me??? Anyway, that statement only gave me the urge to keep pushing with these girls. I continued to explain how much of a good time I was having while ignoring the negative looks for the girls. Within moments they were taking off their shoes and joining in. When it was time to go back inside, and I now have up to 20 kids around me, I scream “Beach Closed!”….their response….”AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!” (Mission Accomplished!!!)

 Now that brings me to my next point, promise, I only have 3. BULLYING!!!! What is with the nasty looks, mean words and gossip… 1st and 2nd grade people? I know it is bad because I am in an inner city school, but as we can all see from recent news, this goes on in ALL schools. Why are young kids so nasty and mean to one another and lack respect for elders? We were given a video from our principle that I am going to share because I personally think it is awesome and may help others. It may be intense for younger students, but its reality and for some, that’s what it’s gonna take to hit home….at least that was the case for my class. Click and watch the link below and tell me what you think. Helpful? Too much for 1st and 2nd graders? I’d like others input on the whole bullying situation as well. Just been on my mind and heart. keenan West-Never Ever (The Bully Project)

Finally….last point….FREEBIE! Not sure how helpful it will be but I figured I might as well share it. Even if it only helps one person. Still trying to improve comprehension and fluency in my class. I have gone through so many prompts so I decided to make my own. 3 prompts, 2 comprehension sheets and one sentence fill in. Did it in PowerPoint and we did it as a class. Students came to board to fill in answers. They enjoyed reading the prompt from the screen with my points too. Just post a comment to my blog letting me know you would like a copy and send me your email. I will email the powerpoint to you. Hope u like!!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Great Big Thank You!!

Sending out hugs and love to all those who listened to Pocketfulofkinders and came to visit my blog. I am feeling the blogger love and shocked at the response. It really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. I am open for ideas and information to make my blog look like a blog that’s been in business for years. Thanks again for all the love. I think I followed all those that followed me, but if I didn’t, just remind me. Charge it to my head, not my heart. Have a fabulous Week!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Never Defeated!!!

So much has happened within these past few weeks. My students have been working on a lot of centers I have found here on YOUR blogs. Thanks for all those teachers who share. Know that your posting is not in vain, even if I don't comment, I'm using your ideas, and it's working....I hope, I think...we soon shall see.

I am still learning when it comes to creating freebies and such, and I have two more to share. the first one is my 2nd math test. I am becoming a pro at creating modified math test for my students. For you, it may not be enough to consider a test, so you may use it as a worksheet. My little ones have very limited oral language skills, the curriculum test is completely verbal and they do not do well. My test they still struggle, but the frustration level is way lower cause the test is shorter and there are problems they can do and feel a sense of achievement. Click on the link below to enjoy and please let me know if it is useful.

I also created another language test. Hope someone finds these useful...I did!

Finally...I found a really neat center on one of the blogs here and I finally figured out how to make them myself. Hope she doesn't mind me sharing the pics I created for the "hidden sight word finds". Shout out and thank you to Ms. Patterson at It took two weeks, then....ding ding ding...I figured it out. I have been making a few and plan to make more. Let me know what you think.

May be hard to see...but the sight words are in there. The kids had a blast finding them and the boys loved the cars and football players. Click on the link below to print off all four sheets. ENJOY!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

If it's broke....fix it!!!

So after creating the language test below (in my last post), I decided to also create a math one. My students did pretty good on both test. It came to my attention that the test the curriculum provides is waaaaaay to much info for one test for my students. As stated before, I am in a multi-aged 1&2nd grade class. Students in my class have major oral language issues and limited listening skills. A two page math and language test is just too much. So I have decided to for now on create my own. Here is my latest Language and my first math test. So that is 2 language and 1 math so far. I will keep them coming. Let me know if these are helpful. I may use them as a test, but you may find them useful for eye opener/morning work or homework.

Language Test 2
(pic to come soon)

Math Test 1
(Pic to come)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Learning to Work With What I Got!

So starting in January, our 1st and 2nd grade became a multi age 1st and 2nd grade. All students were divided into groups according to their ability level. I was so excited because at the time, my class was all over the place. High, Extreme Low, On, Extreme High, Low....not much of a middle group. Anyway, I was excited up until I was told I would have the lowest performing 1st and 2nd graders. *BLANK STARE*....<------my initial reaction. After thinking about the idea, I got excited for the challenge at hand. 

Long story short...we are now 1 month into the transition and I am very discouraged. Majority of my students have no understanding of blending or phonics. Some do not even know all letter sounds. Many can not identify or write numbers above 10. Anyway, I have not given up...and let me say I LOVE THIS CLASS. They have so much potential, but somewhere along the line, someone felt they would just pass them on through. I refuse to be that teacher. Now here's where you come in.....

I am looking for ideas and or suggestions for teaching kids who have a hard time understanding oral directions. I feel many of my students have language issues and although they understand the content, they can not verbalize it. They also have a hard time focusing... if it does not involve coloring...or me standing on my head singing and dancing. LOL...and yes, I do go there if I have to. Short attention spans (when you don't understand, you don't pay attention). And finally no motivation from home. 

Loving the challenge, but gotta do more!

Here is the test that I created!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Jan.28th...the start of my blogging life

Let the blogging begin. So excited to begin this new journey! Happy Blogging!